Author: Amy Fellner Dominy
Publisher: Walker & Company
Release Date: September 4, 2012
Number of Pages: 272
Source of Book: ARC from publisher at IRA Convention
For as long as Tatum can remember it’s been:
Tatum + Lori = Best friends
do everything together, including a yearly clarinet/flute duet for
District Honor Band auditions. But when a new boy transfers to their
middle school and their band, the equation suddenly changes to:Lori + Michael – Tatum = One happy couple
her best friend slipping away and her parents recently separated,
Tatum’s life has turned upside down. Plus her good friend Aaron thinks
that they are secretly boyfriend and girlfriend, all because of one
little lie Tatum told. Accepting change isn’t easy for Tatum, but just
how much is she willing to give up to hold on to her friendship with
Lori and life as she knows it? For Tatum, the best way to move forward
may require a whole new formula . . .
AUDITION & SUBTRACTION is such a cute story. It’s exactly what I’ve come to expect from Amy Fellner Dominy! Her writing voice is spot on for a middle grades book that will engage readers. Her books have middle school appropriate romance with a unique twist. This time it’s the band students.
Some things seemed a little obvious to me as an experienced reader, but as a middle schooler, I probably wouldn’t have realized them at that age. However, Amy’s writing is that type of fun, school-set romance, with friendship/family elements. It’s kinds of like the chick flick for the book set, which is a very good thing because so many of my students are asking for that, but with more depth of thought and lessons to learn and quality to it than some of the other books for this age in this genre. She also writes smart characters who are not the popular kids, but are the real kids that I see who are interested in a variety of things and want to be successful, but are also insecure at times.
AUDITION & SUBTRACTION is all about the reality of what happens when it’s no longer just you and your best friend, but a boyfriend is introduced to the mix. It’s the reality of how we move on in our lives and reevalute friendships and relationships as we grow up and sometimes grow apart. It also includes a very sweet start to a relationship with a really good guy who is fully supportive of the main character.
Beyond the friendship and romance elements, there’s a strong message of figuring out what you want and going for it, no matter what others might say to try to hold you back. Doing what you can to reach your dreams by working hard is an important part of this novel. There are also strong parental figures who are supportive of their child, which is always nice to see.
Overall, Amy Fellner Dominy has written a cute, fun, easy to read romance and drama book that middle school girls are always asking me for. I think they’ll really enjoy AUDITION & SUBTRACTION, especially those band students. I know I did!

I did really like this one. I thought the romance and the friend drama were really good, and since my daughter plays clarinet, I enjoyed that as well!
This sounds sweet and adorable. I seem to recall seeing another review of this on the MMGM blogs recently. So that's great that it's getting more exposure and middle-grade love.
Thanks for sharing about this. I've been seeing it around. I'll have to check it out.