I am utterly exhausted, but feeling utterly blessed after this year’s trip to NCTE & ALAN. So much learning, so much laughter, so many amazing conversations, leaving me with so much to go home and think about. I feel as if NCTE is my yearly call to action to center me in the work of doing best by kids. And I am left feeling so very grateful.
To my educator friends: Whether a quick hug & hello, a brief chat, a shared meal, someone to sit next to, a deep conversation, or scheming for future plans…THANK YOU for supporting me, pushing me, cheering for me, challenging me, and keeping me centered on doing the work for the kids whose faces we see and love every day.
To my new friends: Whether stopping me to introduce yourself, commenting on our social media exchanges, or letting me know something that has impacted you…THANK YOU for reminding me why we work so hard to share the work we do to support each other in this profession in the interest of doing what is best for kids.
To my publisher friends: Whether a hug and a smile, a booktalk recommendation, a question about how my new job is going, books to take home, or dinner and drinks…THANK YOU for always making me feel welcomed, encouraging me, and helping make it a little easier for me to do the hard work for our kids.
To my author friends: Whether a passing hug, being part of my sessions, chatting at a dinner, signing a book, or speaking to a large group…THANK YOU for giving of your time, your energy, your passion, and yourself to help inspire us to do what we know is best and right in loving the kids we see in our schools every day and doing the internal work we need to so we can do right by them. You are human, and you are exhausted, but you do so much to make a difference for the present and the future. I see you, and I thank you.
If you’ve never been to NCTE or ALAN, make plans now to meet us
in Houston in 2018 for some of the best literacy PD out there!
in Houston in 2018 for some of the best literacy PD out there!