#ClassroomBookADay was started by Jillian Heise (@heisereads) during the 2014-2015 school year, inspired by Donalyn Miller‘s (@donalynbooks) #BookADay challenge.
With a goal to read aloud a picture book every day of the school year for a #BookADay with her 7th & 8th grade students, 180 complete texts were shared that grew classroom community and reading engagement. After sharing it at #NerdCampMI that summer, other teachers wanted to try it. Over the years, the list of benefits has only grown!

It was coined #ClassroomBookADay so there would be a hashtag specifically about these daily picture book read alouds. Years later, thousands of educators across the country are utilizing a #ClassroomBookADay goal to positively affect student learning in their schools, classrooms, and libraries. Join in by learning more & commit to reading aloud a picture book with your class every day of the school year!