For the past couple of years, I’ve been participating in Cathy & Mandy’s #pb10for10 event to celebrate picture books that are must haves for my classroom to share with students. Plus, I love seeing what books everyone else has on their lists-I always find new books to check out. This past school year, inspired by Donalyn Miller’s #bookaday for teachers… Read More
Busy Reading, New Role (Chair)
I’ve been busy reading, very busy reading, but there hasn’t been as much time to blog about the books individually because of an exciting new role I’ve taken on and the reading I’ve been doing related to it. It became official this weekend! The Wisconsin State Reading Association (WSRA) Children’s Literature Committee is a group of WI education professionals who… Read More
Some More of What I’ve Been Reading Lately
A busy start to the school year meant not much blogging. It always surprises me even how little reading I get done in the first two weeks of a new school year, but I’ve been getting back into it. These are the books I’ve been reading since I got back to start working in my classroom mid-August. Almost all of… Read More
Some of What I’ve Read Lately
I had a busy summer and beginning of the school year, and I’ve been trying to read as much as possible, which has led to not as much blogging happening. But I wanted to share some of what I read over the last part of summer that I’ve added to my classroom library so you can watch for these titles,… Read More
2014 Picture Book 10 for 10
I have been making a concerted effort to read more picture books in the last year, and with my work on the Wisconsin State Reading Association’s (WSRA) Children’s Literature Committee, it has given me even more reason to. And then, when I found out I would have an additional 10 minutes for each class period this coming year, I decided… Read More
What I’m Recommending Lately
I’ve been reading a lot these last few months, even if I haven’t been blogging much, I’ve been tweeting and sharing thoughts on my goodreads, and also sharing many recommendations in person. So, in the interest of sharing what some of my favorite titles have been so far this year, I wanted to document a bit of what I’ve been… Read More
Blog Tour: THE SNATCHABOOK Author & Illustrator Guest Post
THE SNATCHABOOK is a cute picture book about a small town where all of the animals’ books and bedtime stories are disappearing. Today I get to share a guest post from the author and illustrator in response to my question: Where did you come up with the idea for this picture book, and if/how did it change through the revision/illustration process? You… Read More
TTT: Top 10 Picture Books I Read This Summer
Since I want to focus on keeping things positive for my reading recommendations, and I couldn’t really think of enough ideas for this week’s official Top Ten Tuesday topic, I decided to create my own. 🙂 I made it a priority to read more picture books starting this summer (I ended up reading almost 100 from the time school ended… Read More