Josh Funk has been a huge supporter of #classroombookaday since the early days, and the Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast books are popular with those participating. And now there is a 4th book coming in the series! I’m honored to host the premiere of the book trailer for SHORT & SWEET today!

Take a peek and then scroll down below as Josh shares a list of his picture book recommendations for #classroombookaday read alouds!
Here are three weeks worth of #ClassroomBookADay picks from Josh Funk:
ALFIE by Thyra Heder

For those who think they see all the endings coming … I didn’t.
MAGIC RAMEN by Andrea Want and Kana Urbanowicz

For those who like to (or are afraid to) experiment with food.
THE BREAKING NEWS by Sarah Lynne Reul

For those days when your community really needs it.
OGILVY by Deborah Underwood and by T.L. McBeth

For those who like sweaters or dresses or sweaterdresses.
CHICKS RULE! by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen and Renée Kurilla

For those who like to have their peeps heard!
THE REMEMBER BALLOONS by Jessie Oliveros and Dana Wulfekotte

For those who like their picture books with heaps of emotion.
IVER & ELLSWORTH by Casey W. Robinson and Melissa Larson

For those who like neverending friendships.
COUNTING BIRDS by Heidi E. Y. Stemple and Clover Robin

For those who want to protect all the animals.
THE OLDEST STUDENT by Rita Lorraine Hubbard and Oge Mora

For those never want to stop learning.

For those who see magic in the everyday.

For those opposites who attact.
YOUR FIRST DAY OF CIRCUS SCHOOL by Tara Lazar and Melissa Crowton

For those who are nervous about starting school (but aren’t afraid of clowns).
BALLETBALL by Erin Dionne and Gillian Flint

For those who aren’t quite sure they’re excited for opening day.
LOVE, Z by Jessie Sima

For love.
BOATS FOR PAPA by Jessixa Bagley

For everyone.